"Risk compass is used to visually indicate dangerous directions in ports and narrow course."

- Crew Member Using Groke Pro

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Real-Time Risk Analysis

Operating in a high-traffic environment can be stressful, especially for the less experienced crew members. Groke Pro ensures that all available data is first collected, and then combined with sensor fusion technology.

Based on the collected data, Groke Pro presents the user with the most crucial information through a real-time risk analysis. The real-time risk analysis presented in an intuitive user interface enables the crew to make the best possible decisions even in the most hectic operating environments.

Real-Time Risk Analysis

Operating in a high-traffic environment can be stressful, especially for the less experienced crew members. Groke Pro ensures that all available data is first collected, and then combined with sensor fusion technology.

Based on the collected data, Groke Pro presents the user with the most crucial information through a real-time risk analysis. The real-time risk analysis presented in an intuitive user interface enables the crew to make the best possible decisions even in the most hectic operating environments.

Risk Analysis Tools

Relative Velocity Tracking

Relative velocity tracking shows the distance and velocity of a vessel at CPA.

Risk Compass

The risk compass shows potential collision courses with red color. The risk compass is shown together with detected objects.

CPA Points & Alarms

The CPA Points feature shows the closest point of approach. CPA alarms alert if a vessel is close to a collision course.

Relative Velocity Tracking

Relative velocity tracking shows the distance and velocity of a vessel at CPA.

Risk Compass

The risk compass shows potential collision courses with red color. The risk compass is shown together with detected objects.

CPA Points & Alarms

The CPA Points feature shows the closest point of approach. CPA alarms alert if a vessel is close to a collision course.

Book a Demo

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