February 23, 2024

Improving the safety of sailing in real-time - Groke Pro Risk Analysis

Even though maritime safety has improved a lot since ships started sailing the seven seas,a significant number of incidents occur yearly. Over the past decades,technologies such as AIS and Dual GNSS have made sailing significantly safer. However, until recently, the risk analysis tools have mainly consisted ofstatistical analysis of accident data, expert judgment, and the development ofgeometric route models or time-domain simulations (1). None of theaforementioned tools address the maritime risks in real-time while sailing.

Groke Technologies’ situational awareness system was developed to address the safety of sailing in real-time. On modernvessels, there is plenty of data available from multiple sources. Groke Pro combines the data with real-time camera imagery and enriches the collected datawith AI and machine learning. One feature that elevates Groke Pro from a digital watchkeeper to an intelligent companion is the Real-time Risk Analysis. Risk analysis presents the crew with crucial real-time information about the vessel’s surroundings relative to nearby vessels. Based on the information available from the risk analysis, the captain and the supporting crew can make the best possible decisions onboard.

As Captain Jan Hanse says: “Risk compass is a really valuable tool in all congested traffic areas such as traffic separation zones. The risk compass gives users an immediate overview of the directions you can turn your vessel toavoid collisions.”

Riskanalysis consists of three components:

-         Risk compass

-         CPA points and alarms

-         Relative velocity tracking

The Risk Compass visualizes what directions are considered safe. Courses that might result in a potential collision are colored red. The transparency of the color implies how high the risk is.

CPA (Closest Point of Approach) points are shown for both the own vessel and the detected vessels when the alarm level for the object is either ‘warning’ or‘danger.’ For vessels with the highest CPA “danger” state, the “Collision Danger” alarm label is shown.

The relative velocity vector shows the target vessels’ relative speed and course with respect to the user’s own vessel. The relative velocity vector intuitively indicates on which side of the vessel the passing occurs. The vector endpoint is drawn to the CPA point of the target vessel in relation to own vessel.

Real-time risk analysis is one example of how Groke Pro converts data to safer sailing and improved crew welfare. Groke Pro was not designed to replace crew on board but to provide them with the best possible information to support their decision-making. With better decision-making comes improved safety. Improved safety in turn helps to increase crew welfare.

Visit www.groke-tech.com/en/groke-pro-risk-analysis for more information

Groke –Making seafaring safer one vessel at a time

1) Wang, Jia, & Li, 2019